Ham ‘n Cheese

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You’d be forgiven for assuming all the posts on this website are either related to Parks On The Air (POTA) or Summits On The Air (SOTA) activations, but in fact, this blog is simply about “outdoor amateur radio.”

Today’s activity was just such a case of not POTA and not SOTA, just plain old outdoor radio. The driving factor was that today was Memorial Day, a day to honor the fallen, and traditionally, to spend some time outdoors, but trouble is that at my home QTH in San Francisco the skies were overcast and the temperatures expected to remain in the mid-50s. When the weather is like this, which is most of the summer, our family likes to escape to Marin or Sonoma counties to experience the warm weather that is uncommon in The City.

One of our favorite spots is Marin French Cheese Company factory and store, simply known as “The Cheese Factory” located in Hicks Valley near the Sonoma county line. Here they offer delicious cheeses made right there on-site as well as variety of picnic fixin’s to enjoy with your cheese. However, the main reason we go here is that the cheese factory offers its guests the use of their park-like grounds.

Most visitors congregate around a small pond and picnic area on the north side of the parking lot, but if you go around back, on the south side, there is a wide open grassy field dotted with full shade trees and plenty of picnic tables. Even on busy days, you practically have the place to yourself. If there are other groups, they are usually spread out enough that you still have plenty of space.

Now, about the radio activity. I’m making plans for an overseas trip later this summer and hope to have the opportunity to attempt a Parks On The Air activation while I am there. It would be very easy to bring the KH1, an entire station in a small “camera” bag. But I just got the KH1 after a six month wait for delivery and would be very upset if something were to happen to that radio while traveling abroad.

Slightly less convenient, but still quite small is the station consisting of the QMX multiband CW/Data radio, Gabil GRA-7350T base loaded vertical antenna and tripod, Talentcell Li-Ion battery back, and various connective bits. All of this can fit in my carry-on and still leave room for other travel necessities. And if something unfortunate happened to the QMX it’s not nearly such a big deal. The station could be replaced quickly and inexpensively.

I just needed to do a quick field check of the QMX station combination to verify that I can put it on the air in a park like setting, such as I am likely to encounter while traveling. The QMX is a high band model covering 20m through 10m which enables a smaller deployment footprint. I promise, there is no chance that I’ll be tossing wires into trees in a foreign park!

Previous activations have shown that when using the GRA-7350T on these high bands, especially above 14 MHz, that easier tuning is achieved when the 16 foot radials are folded back on themselves, effectively shortening the radials. Instead of folding them, I took one set of radials and cut them in half. There are two sets in this kit from when I thought I needed a lot more radials than I actually do with this antenna.

When hooking up the QMX to check the ability of the antenna to tune to a 50 ohm match with the shorter radial set, I realized that I forgot one of the power cables that connects the Talentcell to the QMX, doh!

I did have the cables needed to use the Bioenno LiFePo-4 pack with the QMX, but the battery was fully charged and supplying more than 13v, which the QMX cautioned against by flashing the battery icon to indicate the over-voltage condition. Well, shoot!

Fortunately I had another option. I brought along the KH1, because why not take the KH1 every where you go (except overseas)? With the internal autotuner bypassed, I could still test the tuning ability of the antenna system to provide a low SWR and be confident that when I use the tune mode on the QMX that I could achieve a similarly good match. I am not planning on bringing an antenna tuner.

The antenna tuned easily enough on 20m, 17m, and 15m using the KH1 as an RF source and SWR indicator. Naturally, I tried to make a few QSOs while I was proving the antenna system.

Normally when I do ham radio in the outdoors I am activating a park or summit, so I am the DX. But the cheese factory is neither a POTA park nor on a summit. I’m just a regular ham, outside, running QRP. I didn’t even have cell phone coverage out in the country, so I couldn’t look at the POTA spots page for stations to hunt. I would just have to do it the old fashioned way, by tuning around and listening.

I spent about an hour “on the air” hunting for stations calling CQ POTA or CQ SOTA. That yielded three QSOs, all on 20 meters.

W0ABEColorado20 meters20:25 utc
K7SHRWyoming20 meters21:12 utc
W6KC/VE7British Columbia20 meters21:25 utc
QRP Hunting Log

While testing the setup on 17 meters, I didn’t hear a lot of activity but I did hear a JA working an Italian. I could copy both stations, the Italian was weak but the Japan station was pretty loud. EA3PP was calling from Spain, but QSB was enough prevent me from attempting a call. You can’t work ’em if you can’t hear ’em!

The logbook looks very different when I am not activating and don’t have access to spots info. A lot of callsigns written down, but not worked. When I work a station, the time notation becomes the indicator that I had a QSO with that callsign.

On the way back to the cold City, we stopped at Hicks Mountain Hens to pick up some freshly laid, pasture raised eggs. So I guess you could just as well title this post “Ham ‘n Eggs.” Ok, I am leaving now …

73 de W6CSN

8 responses to “Ham ‘n Cheese”

  1. John VA3KOT Avatar

    That voltage limit on the QMX can be a nuisance. I wonder if I can think of a way to incorporate diode limiters so they are permanently attached to the radio – worth some thinking time! Glad you had a backup plan; I wish I had the budget for a KH1.


    1. grimrpr11 Avatar

      me to John or a kx2 Brian VE7JYD


  2. w6csn Avatar

    It’s not the first time I’ve forgotten to bring a mission critical part of the station. Heck just the other day I went out and forgot to bring a suitable antenna, good grief!

    I have a plan to assemble a little stub with a couple of diodes and powerpoles on each end to enable using the QRP-Labs equipment with the higher voltage LiFePo-4 battery packs. Another thing I can forget to bring with me 😉


    1. grimrpr11 Avatar

      check list boy check list lol

      Liked by 1 person

  3. grimrpr11 Avatar

    A nice outing for sure – i regularily contact W0ABE and K7SHR along with ur self from up here in Northern BC – i used to have the QCX Mini for 20M and loved it however gave it to a struggling Amateur radio op who was trying to get back into the hobby – a cook in northern camps so i sent it and an antenna and all required to get back on the air to them as a pay it forward for the fellas that had helped me get goin — i replaced it with the SW-3B and look forward to using it this summer if the fires hold off – thanks for the blog – is always nice to hear of others adventures — 73 dit dit

    Liked by 1 person

    1. w6csn Avatar

      Do you know if Cookie was able to get the QCX-Mini on the air and make some contacts from those remote camps?


      1. grimrpr11 Avatar

        She was just learnin CW back las summer so tried and was making contact from northern BC and North of Baffin Island in the Artic – she was monitoring mostly but did make a few contacts with her limited CW knowledge – this summer she is workin a camp in nothern Quebec and is taking it with her – if propagaion is better im hoping to chat with her and help her with the CW

        Liked by 1 person

  4. dolphus Avatar

    Thanks for the cool article about a nearby place! We’re going to have to check it out soon. The gang and I are on the road for the next few weeks. We’ll be POTA across the southwest. I saw that I missed you (or vice versa) from Great Basin National Park a few days back.

    On a voltage note, I’ve had great luck with using an AdaFruit USB-C power break out board and an imuto computer/phone charger/supply. You can jumper the board to ask the imuto supply for 12 volts, and then wire the DC from the board to the rig. That’s what we do, (except for 15 V), with Project TouCans. Looking forward to hearing you on POTA!

    Liked by 1 person

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