Category: KH1

  • Black Point Battery At Fort Mason

    Black Point Battery At Fort Mason

    The spontaneous HF radio operating enabled by the new Elecraft KH1 handheld transceiver opens up a whole new set of opportunities for the POTA activator. Combined with the sprawling Golden Gate National Recreation Area (US-0647) you could do an awful lot of POTA activations and not operate from the same…

  • Ham ‘n Cheese

    Ham ‘n Cheese

    You’d be forgiven for assuming all the posts on this website are either related to Parks On The Air (POTA) or Summits On The Air (SOTA) activations, but in fact, this blog is simply about “outdoor amateur radio.” Today’s activity was just such a case of not POTA and not…

  • The Adventure You Get

    The Adventure You Get

    is not always the adventure you expect. Recently I’ve been plotting a unique activation of the De Anza National Historic Trail, but that particular POTA activation is going to need a good antenna and just as importantly, time. This day afforded a few hours in the morning for outdoor radio…